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Rename local Administrator account via GPO

This tutorial describes how to rename the local administrator account via GPO. Why we need to rename the Built-in administrator account?
The Built-in Administrator account is one of the most targeted account easily guessed by anonymous person that are attempting to access your computer with full privileges.

Rename local Administrator account via GPO

Let's move on to the tutorial.
All the screenshots are taken from Windows 2012R2 and Windows 8.1 Client.

Step#1 Open the gpmc.msc 
how to open gpmc.msc
Step#2 Group Policy Management console Create a new policy and its named as Rename local Administrator Account for future reference.
[Your Domain]==>Group Policy Objects==>Right click New==>Name[Name for your Policy]

Create a new policy for rename local administrator account
Right click and Edit the newly created policy Rename Local Administrator Account.
Edit a new policy for rename local administrator account
 In Group Policy Management Editor Elapse==>Computer Configuration==>Policies==>Windows Settings==>Security Settings==>Local Policies==>Security Options==>Accounts: Rename administrator account==>Right Click Properties==>Check Define this Policy Settings checkbox==>Rename local Administrator name"Poweruser"
Edit a new policy for rename local administrator account
Step#3 Link a rename administrator account policy to Computer OU
link rename local administrator account for Computer OU
Step#4 Update the group policy in client computer.
RUN==>gpupdate /force refresh the lusrmgr.msc changes.
renamed local administrator account
I hope you this information is useful for you. Please forgive any typos or incomplete sentences.

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