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How to fix WAMP is not working on IIS installed machine

This tutorial describes How to fix WAMP is not working on IIS installed machine.

My Scenario:- My teammate informed me can you please check why WAMP service is not started?  I found the issue is caused by recently Installed IIS Web service on WAMP Server installed machine.

I logon the WMAP the sever type localhost on the browser it navigate to IIS default page.

IIS Default Page
Issue identified, IIS and WAMP Service are listing the same port (Port 80) to run Web Service. So i decided to change the listing port for WAMP Service in order to run WMAP service. 

Resolution:- How to change WMAP Listing Port:- 
Step#1 Travel to "C:\WAMP\bin\apache\Apache2.2.21\conf" directory.
WAMP Directory

Step#2  Open the httpd.config using text editor.
Step#3 Find the line Listen 80 in the httpd.conf file and change it to  "Listen 8080" (or assign any port which is not in use).

change wamp port Listen 8080

Step#4 Start the WAMP Service it will start working using Port 8080.
start wamp service

I hope you this information is useful for you. Please forgive any typos or incomplete sentences.

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